Wednesday, August 7, 2013

6 Tips for Balancing Your Career with Your Child's Special Needs

6 Tips for Balancing Your Career with Your Child's Special Needs 

Balancing your career with your child's special needs is surely not easy.  Here are 6 Tips for what to consider as a working parent, or re-entering the workforce,  that still enables you to continue to meet the special needs of your child:

1. Don't Be Afraid to Change Your Career - it may be the best option for many parents, and may also lead you into doing something you more enjoy or better suits your interests. 

2. Recognize That Your Work Is One of Your Child's Needs - "a note of caution to parents about putting all their efforts into special needs parenting to the exclusion of all else. Some questions to consider: Can you really live well (in all respects) if you are completely dedicated to your child? If you give up your career for your child's needs, will you resent your child? If your child doesn't respond to your care, treatments, or love, will you feel that you've given up too much? If you quit your job, will you be utterly isolated? Think about your needs and your child's needs, not just in terms of time, but also in terms of money, sanity, self-esteem, and peace of mind."

3. Value the Distraction that Work Provides - while there are many things that may distract you from work, the opposite holds true, as well. Working can be therapeutic. It's an opportunity to take you away from your child's problems or school,  for a portion of your day. It can actually help you be a better parent!

4. Coordinate Your Work Schedule to Your Child's -  coordinating work hours around your child's school schedule or sleep schedule might provide you with the time to balance both work and parenting. Seek opportunities with employers that offer remote and/or flexible work scheduling.

5. Appreciate How Work and Parenting Skills Overlap - "particularly if you've found work in a field related to your child's special needs, your work skills can benefit your child while your experience as a parent deepens your work understanding."

6. Remember to Take Care of Yourself - balancing work and your child's needs is hard enough - it's easy to forget to leave time for yourself.. Eat healthy meals, get enough rest/sleep, exercise to manage stress and stay fit.

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