Monday, July 1, 2013

Emotional Balance Starts with the Ability to Manage Stress

Aha! No wonder why I am battling high blood pressure! Millions of us are existing in states of depression,  anxiety, and feeling imbalanced and out of sorts. The pace, demands, and lifestyles we unconsciously lead, and grow into, support this state of being. But that's a conversation for another time! 

The idea, however, is to provide you with some fast and effective ways to rapidly reduce stress in your life. "Learning to effectively manage stress is the first step to regaining your emotional balance", according to In fact they say, "you may think that the worst kind of stress comes from traumatic situations like a car accident or a mugging. But chronic, everyday stress can be just as damaging. Relentless small-scale challenges can wear you down, whether or not you even realize it's a problem".  

That's pretty eye-opening. Especially, as a parent of a child with a disability. While I knew the stress of raising a child with special needs was more intense than the norm, I didn't realize until a few years ago, how the chronic stress of it had taken it's toll on me and my health...specifically my blood pressure.  So, I share this with anyone who will benefit, because we all have our share of stress; but I am especially encouraging parents raising children with special needs to be mindful of the need to reduce your stress.  Check out the Quick Stress Relief Toolkit on

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